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Tag Archives: Health

Sample menu and recipes Mediterranean diet.

Below is a sample menu for 1 week of meals on the Mediterranean diet. Feel free to adjust the portions and food choices based on your own needs and preferences, and add snacks as desired. For more ideas, check out this list of 21 healthy Mediterranean

Health benefits of smoothies.

Many people consume smoothies as a morning meal or afternoon snack. They can be a great way to incorporate more healthy foods into your diet. May help boost fruit and vegetable intake Smoothies made primarily from fresh or frozen produce may increase your consumption of

Reasons to eat real food.

While processed foods are convenient, they can also potentially affect your health. So following a diet based on real food may be one of the most important things you can do to help maintain good health. Loaded with important nutrients. Unprocessed animal and plant foods

What are considered healthy foods?

What are considered healthy foods? In general, fresh vegetables, fruits, pasteurized milk, chicken, fish, beans, and eggs are considered unprocessed or minimally processed food. This is because these foods go through no or minimal processing before you buy them or harvest them yourself สมัคร ufabet

4 Thai spices Helps reduce cholesterol

High blood cholesterol is caused by 2 main causes: genetics. and from eating foods that are high in fat and not exercising This will result in high cholesterol in the blood. It has high triglycerides and low HDL levels. When this happens, it often causes blockages in the arteries. and results

Coffee drink the more they become sleepy

Most people know that drinking coffee helps them feel more energized. and relieves drowsiness and drowsiness (Even if you’re not a coffee drinker) many people are addicted to drinking coffee to help relieve fatigue and sleepiness. But some people argue stubbornly. That drinking coffee doesn’t seem to help anything. Drinking

4 warning signs of ischemic heart disease

4 warning signs of ischemic heart disease Heart disease is the leading cause of death. Which is caused by blockage of the coronary arteries. The lifestyle of people nowadays mostly lacks exercise. eat fast food Being overweight These are all factors that cause coronary artery